Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nextstudent education costs for graduate students

You may have seen the news about them. If not, you missed the headlines about Phyllis Turner, 94-year-old great-great-grandmother from Australia who just graduated with a master degree in medicine. When can handle this sweet, cane wear granny the rigors of graduate education, it is a little more difficult, an excuse why you can not reach.

Is the price for a diploma holding you back? Let NextStudent Financial pave the way with a degree PLUS loans. Designed to help graduate and professional qualification in order to meet their special needs students, PLUS loans degree NextStudent, a leading company based in Phoenix to promote education, you get loans up to the total cost of attendance less other financial aid. The cost of participation is not only teaching, but also tuition, teaching materials and a reasonable amount of travel and life.

Fixed interest rates and deferment School

The Federal PLUS Loan, so far only for parents of students, was expanded last year to offer other funding opportunities for students and professionals. Eligible students who can not meet education expenses for Federal PLUS loans degree to qualify, even if they already have other forms of financial assistance such as grants or Stafford students receive federal loans.

If you are a student enrolled at least half the time in a graduate or professional program that meets the credit and eligibility requirements for a degree PLUS loans from NextStudent, you can take the advantages for the borrower number:

* Fixed rate of 8.5%
* No prepayment penalties
* In school deferment, you choose to defer payments until you finish school or less removed than half the time allowed.
* Tolerance and lean periods of deferment, so if you have problems, make your monthly payment, you may request to temporarily postpone payments without affecting your credit rating.
* Consolidation of the benefits, so once you leave school or below half-time, your degree consolidate PLUS loan (s), either alone or together with other eligible student loans the federal government and all the functions of the federal student loan consolidation .
* Co-signers allowed if you meet so do not credit requirements for a degree PLUS loan, you can use a co-signer rights apply.
* A mid-year of application, so you can apply for a degree PLUS loan even if the school year has begun. Contact your financial aid office for the exact deadline.

Big Rewards With a degree PLUS loans from NextStudent

If you are pursuing their goal to go to graduate school, if you try to finish his career is to think, a graduate of the Federal PLUS loans provide financial assistance you need. And with a degree from NextStudent PLUS Loan, you are entitled to reduce our reward.
* Get an immediate 0.25% reduction in the rate, once you login to your student loan payment deducted automatically from your savings or checking account. Reduce your speed and never worry about late payments or lost previous post.
* We will play to a 1% discount after the first 36 payments on time. And we are in this reduction of 1% for the life of the student loan lock, even if you miss a payment later on the road.
* Or that 48 consecutive on-time payments and reduce your speed by 2%.

With a degree in hand, you could see a good return on investment. A 2004 survey showed that people with advanced degrees earn an average of almost $ 27,000 more per year than those with a bachelor's degree.

What are you waiting for? Join Turner and other inquisitive minds to learn more about their area of ​​professional interest and a way that you love. And we provide financial resources to pay all the expenses of graduate study, so you can focus on learning and working your way to increase the amount of income.

NextStudent believes that an education is always the best investment you can make, and are helping you build your dreams education by college dedicated to funding simple. More information about student loans, private student loans and student loan consolidation in

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